how to change dns server in centos 6 | MonoVM
Jul 22, 2020 · i’m having trouble installing CEntOS 6.3. i have just enrolled for the course of LINUX , and as our instructor guided, we didn’t have to go for configuring network and at ‘step 13’ we chose ‘Create Custom Layout’, then after clicking on ‘Next’ tab the window appears with following data 389 Directory 389 Directory Server Android Apache Bind Blogging CentOS CentOS 5.5 CentOS 5.7 CentOS 5.8 CentOS 6 CentOS 6.2 CentOS 6.3 CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.5 CentOS 7 CentOS 7.0 Chroot configuring iptables in linux DNS Email Server Fedora 16 How To httpd Internet Linux Linux Basics Linux Command Linux News Linux Utilities LVM MySQL nginx Oracle Jun 30, 2016 · Today, we are going to setup LDAP server in CentOS 7 using 389 Directory Server. We already have posted the steps to install and configure LDAP server in CentOS 6.x server. For more details, check the following link. How to Setup LDAP server in CentOS 6; Let us start to deploy 389 DS in CentOS 7. Mar 26, 2018 · How to Install MariaDB on Centos 6. I decided to write this tutorial as many of the others on various sites seem to miss key parts of what should be a straightforward install. MariaDB is the latest version of mysql and uses as far as i can see the same code and commands as mysql. In this example we shall be working on CentOS 6.4 which, at the time of this post is a recent version. Install Nginx. The first step is to install Nginx web server. Nginx is not available in the default CentOS repositories but nginx provides centos specific repositories for easy use. Add the nginx repository
This tcpdump command with examples steps has been tested on Linux CentOS 5/CentOS 6/CentOS 7/RHEL 5/RHEL 6 / RHEL 7. How to use Tcpdump Command with Examples on Linux. There are a few tcpdump command with examples that i will share with you. -w option will writes the packets into .pcap file. The extension should be always .pcap as it can be
How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on CentOS 6 | DigitalOcean Oct 23, 2013 How To Install Apache and PHP on CentOS 6
If you need to change centos 6 ip or gateway and also dns configurations you can use this post . IP and Gateway configuration . With this 2 commands you can see centos network configurations
How to install CentOS 8 on VirtualBox Step by Step May 05, 2020