2020-7-21 · Etymology. The English word "howitzer" comes from the Czech word "houfnice", from houf, "crowd", and houf is in turn a borrowing from the Middle High German word Hūfe or Houfe (modern German Haufen), meaning "heap".Haufen, sometimes in the compound Gewalthaufen, also designated a pike square formation in German. [citation needed]In the Hussite Wars of the 1420s and 1430s, the …

Fantastic Four (2006) - Wikipedia 2020-7-13 · Fantastic Four, ook wel bekend als Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, is een animatieserie gebaseerd op de superheldengroep de Fantastic Four van Marvel Comics.Het is de vierde animatieserie gebaseerd op dit team. De serie werd uitgezonden op Cartoon Network en ging in première op 2 september 2006 als onderdeel van Toonami.In het programma worden tweedimensionale … Bash - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 2020-7-18 · Bash,Unix shell的一種,在1987年由布萊恩·福克斯為了GNU計劃而编写。1989年釋出第一個正式版本,原先是計劃用在GNU作業系統上,但能运行于大多数类Unix系统的操作系统之上,包括Linux與Mac OS X v10.4都將它作為預設shell。 Bash是Bourne shell的後繼相容版本與開放原始碼 Balikpapan - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre 2020-7-15 · Balikpapan es una ciudad portuaria sobre la costa este de la isla de Borneo, en la provincia de Borneo Oriental, Indonesia.Balikpapan posee dos puertos principales Semayang y Kariangau, este último es el puerto de ferry; estos puertos junto con el aeropuerto Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman son los principales puntos de conexión de la ciudad con el resto del país.

Mortar (weapon) - Wikipedia

2020-7-23 · Amazon.com este o companie americană de comerț online cu sediul în Seattle, Washington, cu o cifră de afaceri de peste 232,887 miliarde $ în anul 2018. Este cea mai mare companie de comerț online cu amănuntul [3]. Jeff Bezos este fondatorul companiei Amazon.com (1994), care în 1995 a fost lansată și online. A început cu vânzarea Out Of Shell - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas 2020-5-29 · Out Of Shell merupakan sebuah album musik karya Dewi Lestari. Dirilis pada tahun 2006. Lagu utamanya di album ini ialah Simply. Daftar lagu Water Song Simply Uncommon Plactic Cup Fire And Ice The End Out Of Shell It's Me Artikel bertopik

She-Shell - Wikipedia

Shell (projectile) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free 2020-7-9 · A shell is a type of projectile used in weapons. It is filled with explosive or other substances. It is similar to a bomb but is made to be shot out of a gun. Shells are usually large caliber projectiles fired by artillery, armored vehicles (including tanks), and warships. A fuze detonates the explosive or releases whatever else the shell may Shell in Singapore | Shell Singapore