Sep 30, 2009

How to Fix Missing (Not Showing) Network Manager Icon in Aug 17, 2013 Network - Configuration | Server documentation | Ubuntu Network Configuration. Ubuntu ships with a number of graphical utilities to configure your network devices. This document is geared toward server administrators and will focus on managing your network on the command line. Ethernet Interfaces. Ethernet interfaces are identified by the system using predictable network interface names.

apt-get install network-manager-l2tp 3 Go to the Launcher again, then Preferences and open Advanced Network Configuration. 4 Click the + icon to add a VPN connection and select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) from the drop-down list.

Hi I installed Lubuntu 13.10 32-bit on a notebook. I noticed that the Network Manager locks the device file of the active connection. Now, since I have to use the Wammu software to manage the mobile phone in an internet key and it must use the same device file used by the Network Manager

Following installation guide and review, this is the traditional compilation of suggestions after having a fresh Lubuntu 18.10 --the first LXQt edition--.You will notice the first thing here is about network manager as this new edition lacks nice feature on that. Five more things are about some nice tweakings in the file manager and the user interface.

Testing SSH Access to Lubuntu. If you have another computer on the same local network as your Lubuntu PC, you can test access to Lubuntu from that computer using . ssh you@ if you replace "you" with your Lubuntu username, and "" with the actual local IP address of your Lubuntu … [SOLVED] Network manager seems to be missing from new Nov 09, 2018 Remove ethernet network device not managed the Ubuntu 16 Sep 18, 2016