All sport events are listed at MyP2P! Everyone can access them for free. Less ads and high quality streams - that is fast description of MyP2P.

Japan | P2P-Banking today launched the first active p2p lending service in Japan. The service connects lenders (aged 20-65) and borrowers (aged 20-60). Maneo verifies the identity, credit grade and the income of potential borrowers (minimum annual income required is approx. 30,000 US$). Borrowers then create a loan listing and set a maximum interest rate. International Peer to Peer Lending Sites - Global P2P Lending The best p2p lending rates you can expect for international peer to peer lending sites are around 8% to 12%‎. The concept behind p2p lending international sites is that borrowers pay lower rates of interest while worldwide investors get the best p2p lending rates by simply cutting out intermediaries like banks. Film japanese p2p program trend: Zultrax P2P, Cabos, T&O Cabos is a Japanese P2P client for open source Gnutella networks. It is based in Acquisition and LimeWire to connect to the networks shared files directly. Through its simple sidebar, you can access all information about the network, searching, downloading and uploading files.

Japanese P2P software developer pleads not guilty - Joi

Japanese P2P virus catches you downloading porn, demands Apr 15, 2010

Cabos is a Japanese P2P client for open source Gnutella networks. It is based in Acquisition and LimeWire to connect to the networks shared files directly. Through its simple sidebar, you can access all information about the network, searching, downloading and uploading files.

WinMX was the first p2p file sharing program with mainstream popularity in Japan, but there was a problem: the police could figure out who you were and what you were uploading. The successor, developed by a Japanese researcher in a Computer Engineering department, was WinNY (M+1, X+1), which exploded into popularity. Japanese P2P virus catches you downloading porn, demands Apr 15, 2010