Jun 02, 2020 · BlackArch Linux is a lightweight Arch Linux-based distribution targetted at penetration testers, security experts, and security researchers. It offers users all the features that Arch Linux has to offer combined with a ton of cybersecurity tools numbering 2000+ that can be installed either individually or in groups.

Nov 07, 2018 · When talking about security many terms come to mind. Hacking, viruses, malware, data loss, etc. Here is our list of the 15 security tools you should be using on your Linux system. 1. Firejail. Firejail is a c-based community SUID project that minimizes security breaches by managing the access that applications using Linux namespaces and seccomp May 31, 2019 · Thankfully, you don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars for a surveillance system if you’ve got a spare PC running Linux and a few spare cameras. The DIY route will be cheaper and give you more control—as long as you pick the right software. Here are the best Linux security camera software options for you to try. 1. ZoneMinder Apr 12, 2011 · Here, then, are a few of the best free tools you can use to help keep your Linux systems secure. 1. ClamAV. My favorite antivirus software for Linux is Sourcefire's ClamAV, a free, open source May 20, 2020 · All the software are very accessibly grouped under categories. Although this is nothing of a mind-blowing feature, to new users who do not know the names of Linux software, this is a huge bonus. Linux Mint is fast. Runs fine on older computers. Linux Mint is built upon the rock-solid Ubuntu base. It uses the same software repository as Ubuntu.

Apr 18, 2020 · What is the best Linux distro for optimal security? The answer to this depends entirely on what you’re looking for in an OS. Beginner users are encouraged to check out Ubuntu and Linux Mint — these are the typical starting points for newbies, with intuitive interfaces, tons of dependable software, and a look and feel pretty familiar for

Nov 28, 2019 · The 6 Best DIY Security Camera Apps and Software for Linux 3 Signs Your Mac Is Infected With a Virus (And How to Check) How to Run a Linux Desktop Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux Jun 06, 2020 · Comodo Antivirus for Linux has long been a trusted name in the security software industry, and has created wonderful tools for free such as the Comodo Firewall. They even include free remote access technologies, and they certainly have a quality antivirus tool for the Linux system. Beloved by Linux users since its original release in 1996, GIMP is one of the most famous and best-maintained open source software tools out there.

Oct 10, 2019 · Everyone hails Linux for its built-in security. Compared to Windows or other operating systems, the way Linux assigns file permissions is different. The infrastructure is much more robust. Plus, malware creators tend to target Linux less often due to it having a smaller percentage of users in general. Thus, there are fewer potential targets to

When I was listed about best Linux security tools, Prey is one of my favorite choices. Why? Because Prey is an all-in-one anti-theft solution. It is the best tool for a Laptop Linux user. Like all security tools, Pray has some unique features. Suppose, your Laptop has stolen or missed. You can locate your device from anywhere in the world by Jun 25, 2019 · / 10 Best Linux Antivirus Software Last updated on Jun 25, 2019 By Ankush Das While Linux isn’t one of the most popular operating systems (well, at least for the easiness in the usage) at the moment, it surely has its own advantages and disadvantages . May 12, 2018 · ZoneMinder seems to be what everyone talks about when the topic of Linux-based open source surveillance software comes up. It’s an incredibly mature and long-lived project - first released in 2002 - and for a long time seems to have been the only option. The efficiency of your home security system depends a lot on the video management software (VMS) you use. While CCTV DVR programs have the same purpose, the features, functionality and ease of use varies greatly. Deciding what to use can confusing, but no need to worry as we have rounded up the best camera DVR software.